Dear Algorithm, please bring me…

I started the Basic Ranch Mom as a creative outlet about a year and a half ago - which feels like forever and yet no time at all if I’m being honest. I had a lot of fun creating content, and I wanted a place where I could do that without spamming my friends and family.

And truthfully, I waited a long time before actually pulling the trigger because I was afraid. Afraid of what people would think or say. Afraid of strangers on the internet. Afraid that no one would like my content. But one day, I decided I was tired of being afraid and I just stopped caring what people thought. And thus the Basic Ranch Mom was born.

I never thought it would be what it is now, and I can’t even tell you happy that makes me. This is a community. A place for women who do all the things, love all the things, and are all the things. It’s inclusive, it’s fun, and it’s safe - and that’s exactly the kind of place I was searching for.

So today, I’m writing a letter to that pesky little Algorithm, to continue bringing me all the women that encompass what being a 'Basic Ranch Wife/Mom’ is truly about.

Dear Algorithm,

Please bring me the girls who are strong and independent, and don’t need certain labels or stereotypes to define who they are or what they do.

Please bring me the girls who like to exercise, but still can’t get that gate shut by themselves (or if you can, please come to my place and HELP ME).

Please bring me the girls who like to laugh at themselves, and don’t concern themselves with the opinions of others because they know their worth.

Please bring me the girls who love life in the country, but know they can slay in a busy room or a fancy restaurant too.

Please bring me the girls who like to lift heavy shit while watching their kids play with manure in a pasture full of happy cows.

Please bring me the girls who ride (or in my case, DRIVE) the hot mess express, and love every dang minute of it because that’s life and it’s real and raw and beautiful.

Please bring me the girls who love the man in their life, and aren’t afraid to tell people about it because they worked hard to build a relationship that can withstand the challenges of the world.

Please bring me the girls who know that life on the farm or ranch is really flipping hard, and really flipping rewarding all at the same time.

Please bring me the girls who are afraid of so many things, but decide to go out and saddle up anyways because there’s really no other way to live your life fully.

Please bring me the girls who love Jesus and their family, and keep their priorities in check even in the middle of the grind.

Please bring me the girls who embrace their role as a mediocre ranch hand who provides comedic relief, because life is short and if you can’t have fun while you’re doing it, it’s going to be pretty dang boring too.

Please bring me the girls who love being a wife and mama, but love having their own identity too.

Please bring me the girls who are kind, inclusive, and joyful, and are looking for a place where they can belong amongst a sea of stereotypes.

Please bring me the basic ranch moms and wives, because we’ve got a community full of love and light and laughter to share with them.

Thank YOU for following along, where ever you fit in this crazy mess of things. I am so dang happy you’re here.


Here we grow again.


I’ve taken a cold shower every day for the last 6 weeks. My thoughts on cold water exposure.