Hey girl, it’s me Kristin. Let’s be friends.

I’m a ranch wife and mom on my family’s third generation cattle operation. We raise registered Red Angus cattle, and my main job is managing the marketing plan for the business. My side jobs include opening gates, petting calves, standing in holes, being comedic relief, fan-girling for my husband, and showing up on the ranch in inappropriate footwear.

As much as I enjoy my role now, that wasn’t always the case. There was a time when the last thing I wanted to be was a ranch wife, because I never really ‘fit in’ in agriculture. I was always too much of one thing or not enough of another, so I put the ranch in my rearview mirror.

It took me a while, but I eventually found my way back with a fresh set of eyes and a new lease on life. I learned that being an outsider is a value not a detriment. That being different is what gives you perspective. And that not fitting is exactly what makes you uniquely qualified for the life you live.

That’s why I created the Basic Ranch Mom, as a space for anyone like me. And by that I mean - anyone who doesn’t fit the mold, likes to laugh through the hard parts, and has a little ‘ranchy’ side in them.

You can be a walking contradiction and still belong sis. There’s room at this table, and I hope you find something you can relate to here.

I show you life on the ranch because I know there are women out there who can relate to our every day struggles and triumphs. Women who are looking for a place to belong amongst a sea of stereotypes, both in agriculture and beyond. This is that place.

Kristin Harms, The Basic Ranch Mom